Love Letters to God ~ By T. Lee Thompson

I often remember this one scripture when Jesus replied to someone trying to ask a tricky question to see if they could trip him up, and that question was,

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” (Referring to the Ten Commandments, of course!)

 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version

Why is this so important to everyone right now? It has to do with loving God. How do YOU show love to the highest of all? The Divine one, the supreme being of all, the creator of all, how does one show love for such an energy source?

It is like the perplexity that some of us feel when looking for a gift for someone we assume has everything. What kind of gift would be appreciated for the person who has everything?  In what way can one show their gift of love to an all-knowing being (omniscience), all-powerful (omnipotence), ever-present everywhere (omnipresence), and perfectly good and loving (omnibenevolence)?

Realistically, there isn’t any one material thing on the earth, in the sea, or in the heavens that we could give to the Divine One in a pretense or show of such a grandiose love. Such a gift of love would ultimately have to take on the formation of our actions by showing our spirit, our heart-felt feelings, our energy, and our belief in the appreciation of God’s creations on earth, heaven, planets, stars and the universe inwardly. And our outward actions would be in our showing love, kindness, and compassion for ourselves, our fellow human beings, the animals of all kinds, the sanctity, care and love for planet earth, and love in the majesty, magic, and mystery of the sun, moon, planets, stars and heavenly bodies that guide us.

Having said all this, it sounds like quite a mighty big gift order, doesn’t it? To keep it simple, all we need to do is notice, appreciate, give honour, and give thanks, and then add to this by making it a regular habit, something you do daily and often.

It seems that often, we only pray when we want something from God. Or when it’s a last resort type of thing, like the tornado is coming, and you don’t know if you will make it into the cellar in time to save yourself and your family. You’re wondering if you jump into the bathtub at the last minute, that it would save you from flying away in the wind.

Now, I’m not being judgemental here at all. I’m only saying that God doesn’t ask us for much. The Divine one only has the desire that we appreciate all his creations and acknowledge this whenever we see, hear, or feel the awesomeness of all.

How Does One Show Love to God?

So, when you are swimming in an incredible turquoise blue ocean, do you thank God for how beautiful the colour of the sea is? Or when you are camping in the deep forest surrounded by the smells of pine, cedar, and the freshness of the air, do you thank God for this gift of air and freshness? Perhaps you are blessed to experience the awesomeness of Aura Borealis, which is astounding to experience and envision. Do you thank God for this miracle of spectacular wonder that fills the sky with multiple colours in energy waves?

It’s tough, I know, to find the time to appreciate all that is God’s creation. Today, we are so focused on our survival that we lose time enjoying nature at its finest, appreciating ourselves and how wonderfully made we are by appreciating and loving our bodies and the intricacies of the human body. Also, I appreciate all the earth’s creatures, big and small, on land, sea, and sky. How wondrous, amusing, and engaging all the creatures on this planet are.

Did you know that just by showing your respect, care, love, and appreciation to yourself, the animals of all kinds, plants, forests, mountains, lakes, rivers, and oceans, you are showing your love to God?

After deliberation and thought, I have devised a way to show my ultimate love and appreciation to God.  Whenever I do my daily meditation, when I reach my crown chakra and beyond, I visualize a way to show my love and gratitude to God, as I know them to be ‘father-mother’ God.

It is a pleasure to share the visualization process I have organically, magically, and intuitively found to help me commune with the Divine. This process made me feel close and intimate with the Supreme One.

A Sneak Peek Inside My Crown Chakra

After my connection with my third eye chakra, where I envision an eye blinking back at me in my mind as if in my forehead, this is my signal to move upwards toward my Crown Chakra and the Divine one, father-mother God.

I’ve created a ceremony where I move my arms straight above my head and bring my hands together to form a triangle shape with my hands above my head. I rock my body with my hands as if bowing slightly three times the triangle or pyramid to show my sacredness in worshiping the Divine.

Then I allow my hands to part, keeping my arms straight up, hands straight up as if creating columns on either side of my body. I twist and turn my arms front to back in a ceremony of snakes, a symbol of healing and peace, the caduceus, as I envision my arms becoming snakes encircling the columns on either side of my body, doing this motion three times as well I keep my arms straight ahead. Then, I envision the high priest Elijah appearing in his white robe wearing the bejewelled breastplate of a high priest; he anoints my head with oil as I bow my head in respect and awe to the Divine. I keep my arms straight and my hands palms forward.

I turn my head slightly to my right side and envision a staircase in the center, and on the right side, along the stairs, are seven angels gleaming in white. They are bowing to me as if congratulating me and my journey thus far in life; they are part of my spiritual army. And moving my sight further upwards are the remainder of my spirit team. I envision my late husband, Ron, and his father, Llyod, at the front line. They are my protectors in this life. Behind them are my mother and father, Calvin and Clara, then grandparents, Walter and Jennie, great grandparents, George and Ethel and behind them are hundreds of ancestors all rooting for me. You might say these are all my protectors; I bow to them, and they bow back to me as they are my cheering committee. I feel that they are helping me daily with motivation and positive reinforcement.

I turn my head slightly to the left side of the center staircase leading to the Divine. On the left are seven dark angels who remind me of my karmic lessons, the shadow side of me in this life, and the shadow side in the many previous incarnations I have experienced. They bow their heads in respect to me, and I respect them. They are responsible for testing me in this life as they have in other lifetimes, and I appreciate them for the lessons they provide for me. Behind them are the many and varied characters from many past incarnations that all played their parts for me on this life journey and the many previous lifetimes where I learned lessons, and they are there to support me as well, if only to remind me of repeating patterns and lessons still needing to be learned.  They keep me humble, modest, and grateful for this opportunity in my life.

It is then that I feel my wings on my shoulder blades, their weight pressing on my back and bending my whole body along with my arms, and I feel myself flying as if it were over the earth. I move my body and arms downward as I envision all the animals on the planet: giraffes, elephants, moose, deer, buffalo, cougars, panthers, lions, tigers, rabbits, squirrels, and on and on…all animals big and small. Then I envision the trees, plants, mountains, lakes, and all the beauty of the earth that Mother Nature provides so freely to us. I give thanks for this beauty and wonder and move on, flying over the vast oceans and diving into the water, grabbing a dolphin by the fin and going for a ride into the ocean to see jellyfish, schools of tiny fish swimming along to get away from the Norwell whale approaching. The sharks also appear, and I grab a shark by the fin and surf with him, too.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, I spring out of the water and fly into the sky, joining the birds. At first, it’s crows and ravens, then it’s owls and eagles, and together we fly into the mountains, and I catch a ride with a dragon because some mountains are too high for the birds to fly. Of course, there is always a mountain climber who slips his footing as I fly by, and I grab his ankle just then to save him from tragedy just in time, and then I move above the earth and fly alone. I notice all the planets, the stars, the moon, and the staircase appears in the clouds, floating far above the earth and amongst the stars shining brightly.

The staircase is floating in front of me, illuminated by the brightness of the Divine One, Father-Mother, God. As I approach the staircase, at the top of the stairs, two Cherubim angels guard the entrance. When I look up, I see a bright golden light on the left side and a bright green light on the right side of a doorway at the top of the stairs. A male face and a female face appear to help me adjust to my earthly perception of them. Their light is awe-inspiring, and I immediately bow my head in honour and reference to their power and enlightenment. I feel a love coming from them that encompasses me and fills me, and I give thanks three times while I bring my hands together in the symbol of a triangle again. Repeating thankyou, thankyou, thankyou as I bow my head downwards towards the floor.

I do this daily with my meditation, going through all my chakras. It is my personal way of giving thanks to the Divine One. Now I realize that my meditation isn’t for everyone, but perhaps you may want to thank God in ways different from how I do.

Taking pictures of the many animals, scenery, mountains, and oceans in the world and sharing this beauty is a way of showing thanks to God. Creating art through music, painting, sculpting, writing poetry, writing about the sacred geometry of quantum physics, and drawing these beautiful mathematical wonders are also ways of sending love letters to God.

Whatever ways you create to appreciate the Divine One are ways of showing your love for God from your heart, mind, and soul. These are the best gifts to give to the Most High, the Divine One, and you may find that such giving of love will change you and your perception of life on this earth.

The second commandment is to love your neighbor as you love yourself, and this act is also a show of love to the Divine. And in this spirit of giving this season upon us, always remember to give freely and to give from your heart.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanaka, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, everyone! Lovya Lot’s!

Tracy Lee Thompson enjoys living and working as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Blogger, and Tarot reader in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Tracy’s primary goal as a hypnotherapist is to help people feel better by letting go of their past blocks and learning how to enjoy life. She’s a ‘humanist’ in her belief of life and looks for what is positively human in all of us. 

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