Breaking the Rules & Changing Perspectives by T. Lee Thompson
We are almost a quarter into this century of the 2000s within this 21st century of our common era and are still operating according to the same rules and beliefs we have accepted for the last 2 thousand 24 years. Even before our common era, humanity consented to accept living under the authority of hierarchies ranging from religion, royalty, lords, governors, emperors, Czars, Khans, governments, and institutions, all working with similar rules. Wouldn’t it be exceptional if we finally broke all the rules of society and started all over again? How would that work exactly? Who would be our leaders? What sense of organization would be needed?
Let’s fantasize about that for a moment, shall we? What would it be like if we broke free from all those redundant, ridiculous rules designed to keep the general population in a perpetual sense of guilt and fear to feed the hedonistic, materialistic, power-hungry ruling class continually? Aren’t you tired of fighting redundant wars, redundant principles for redundant leaders, and equally redundant countries?
Maybe it’s time that we no longer vote for our leaders by elections but instead extensively test our potential leaders for their innate healing abilities, fitness, empathy, and compassion. And once they pass the testing they remain as leaders who are also healers from ages 40 to 65 and then retired. Retired leaders would serve as future wise elders, tasked with testing new leaders and healers due to their 25 years of experience.
These ‘Healer-Leaders’ would have passed all testing and proven to be the best for the job. The most important part of their jobs would be healing people rather than politicking. These leaders would then appoint others to be district managers, supervisors, overseers, and district leads who would organize, plan, and maintain our hospitals, schools, law enforcement, infrastructure, taxation, and other jobs of keeping our common areas maintained pretty and efficiently. There would be NO voting involved and NO political, religious, corporate, dynasty, royalty, or otherwise elitist group to belong to or believe in. All potential leaders would be chosen based on their strengths, gifts, and innate spiritual abilities to heal others.
Do we need to continually keep voting for someone who will be a representative of only a tiny part of the voting population? And voting for this person ultimately causes us to separate, take sides, and generally not like each other. And that very same leader rarely does what they promise because they are more concerned about keeping their base supporters happy and preparing for the next election with campaign financing and campaigning continually rather than being a benevolent leader. Most leaders we vote for are more concerned with staying elected in parliament than the concerns of the people they should be managing and leading.
However, we now have a few questions to consider when changing the systems. What criteria would test potential leaders’ healing abilities and empathy? How would the transition from the current political system to a “Healer-Leader” system be managed without causing chaos? What mechanisms would be in place to ensure accountability and prevent abuse of power among these new leaders?
Creating the Kingdom of God ~ As Above So Below (The Seven Hermetic Principles)
With the risk of sounding like a ‘Bible Thumper’ which I am NOT, but instead, I’m open to all kinds of resources, research, and history that support all of us as humans living today in this world that gives us so much in the way of ‘Information’ it’s literally at our fingertips.
I believe that the Bible, during its creation, was like the ‘Google search’ of its day. People relied on its advice on sanitation, hygiene tips, values, emotions, hopes, fears, guidance in discipline, self-control, food choices, romance, showing love, being kind, generous, joyful, grateful, and so on. In its time, it covered many bases, you might say.
Unfortunately, very few of the general population were ‘Allowed’ or even ‘Phonetic’ enough to read it. The reading of it was strictly permitted and available mainly to the members of the Papacy, Royalty, Wealthy Lords, Priests, Monks, Politicians, Philosophers, Emperors, Empresses, Court Justice, and other rulers throughout these ancient times. The ordinary people depended on those who read the Bible, and the ‘select few’ gave orders to the populace as they interpreted. The commoners needed to obey without question or, in many cases, face severe persecution and possible death. [Many were burned at the stake with a Bible hung around their neck for daring to be caught reading it! William Tyndale – Wikipedia] By keeping the general population ‘ignorant’ and ‘dependent’ and then ‘Forced Belief with the Holy Wars,’ Crusades – Wikipedia these ‘Holy Scriptures’ were hijacked by the ‘ruling classes’ to gain ‘Power’ over the masses. Over the centuries, they also gained wealth and hedonistic pleasure over the ignorant, dependent masses, all by ‘hypocritically’ using the Bible as their ‘Rule Book’ over the general population to reap the benefits of their superiority.
I realize these are powerful words and accusations that I am using here, but often, the Truth takes on a very blunt and straightforward form, as there is an urgency in my words that I wish to share with everyone today.
The urgency that I speak of is regarding our evolution as humans and that we are rapidly changing from our three-dimensional selves into our five-dimensional selves, and as we do this, planet Earth is changing too. ‘We were always only ever created, I believe, to be the Custodians of this planet Earth.’ Unfortunately, we human beings (HuBe’s), with our prideful egos, may like to think that Earth was made ‘just for us,’ but our ultimate purpose has always been to ‘look after,’ ‘care for’ and ‘LOVE’ this planet with its beauty, wonder, and its creatures big and small.
And truthfully, this has always been our primary purpose on this planet. Unfortunately, human beings have perpetually been taken hostage by those in the Ruling Classes because of their innate greed, materialism, and love of power and money. This has been a constant ruin for all of humanity for thousands and thousands of years.
Quite amazingly, however, for humanity to change, all we need to do is Want to change. With the advancement of the internet, artificial intelligence, and free access to information, our eyes are open to many possibilities. We no longer need to depend on our rulers to put unreasonable rules and regulations upon us to keep us in control and rely on them for direction, survival, prosperity, advice and encouragement. We are discovering our own creative abilities and mental and emotional intelligence.
So where does ‘creating the Kingdom of God’ on earth as it is in heaven come into play strictly, you may be asking?
As a person who is an avid meditator and believer in the ‘Divine one, father-mother God,’ I look at all the various beliefs in the world and come up with my version of a foundational truth that hopefully fits generally at the core for all in the world. I think the following scripture answers this perfectly.
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version
It’s up to all of us to come up with a unified way to implement this throughout the world. Every nation, culture, and belief system will ultimately have a variety of perspectives on how to implement these foundational commandments.
And quite simply, the foundation for everything is LOVE. That’s the start of it all. Getting there will take time, patience, and strong faith in what will provide the best and most advantageous for ALL. We can do this, everyone! The time is NOW to bring Love into the world and create paradise on earth.
Tracy Lee Thompson enjoys living and working as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Blogger, and Tarot reader in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Tracy’s primary goal as a hypnotherapist is to help people feel better by letting go of their past blocks and learning how to enjoy life. She’s a ‘humanist’ in her belief of life and looks for what is positively human in all of us.